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Ghosts of Rig-Mess Past: Scary Rigging Photos Show Value of Annual Inspections
December 10, 2013Have you seen the “Scary Rigging Photo of the Week” we post on J.R. Clancy Facebook page? Here are some we just posted—five of […]
Cracking the Nutcracker (Ballet): 5 Fun Facts
December 3, 2013When the calendar turns to December, sugar plum fairies fill the air while performance venues worldwide – large and small – echo the familiar […]
Siberian Ice Drummers
Check out this group of Siberian percussionists or ice drummers who’ve reached viral sensation status.
Policing Audience Behavior: Sticks, Lasers and “ZAP!”
November 26, 2013Last month, according to an article in the Korea Times, ushers at the National Center for Performing Arts in Beijing, China, aimed laser pointers […]
JR Clancy: Made in CNY since 1885
Here’s a behind the scenes look at J.R. Clancy’s facilities:
The Future of Stage Movement: As Easy as X, Y and Z
November 19, 2013What if you could control all of the movement onstage from one spot, even for the most complicated productions? Whether you’re planning a revival […]
Cleaning the Orpheum Chandelier
Cleaning the Orpheum chandelier is a delicate and lengthy process. Over eight days in November, the extremely skilled and experienced Orpheum operations staff, led […]
Performing with Honor: Military Bands Inspire
November 11, 2013On Veterans Day 2013, Army bands across the United States will perform nearly 50 concerts, from Oregon to Boston. Other ceremonies will be enhanced […]
Manual? What Manual? Rigging Instructions Vital
November 5, 2013It’s time for the next drama or musical to begin tech rehearsals, and you’ve got new people on your stage crew. Do you know […]