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The NEW Vantis™ Wall Controller at LDI.

It was wonderful seeing many familiar faces at LDI in Las Vegas this year. And, as our first in-person event in quite some time, we were excited to introduce our NEW Vantis™ Wall Controller and Remote Lighting Service & Support to the industry.

We held never before seen LIVE demonstrations of our Vantis Controllers and Integrated Lighting Solutions at our booth this year, and the response was overwhelming. Don’t worry if you didn’t make it to LDI because you can get all the highlights about our new products right here.


Vantis™ Wall Controller

The new line of Vantis automated rigging controllers from J.R. Clancy offers an even higher level of safety, control, precision and intuitive operation for theatres. And now the Vantis Wall Controller puts that capability where you need it – the palm of your hand, from anywhere on stage.

The Vantis Wall Controller puts capability where you need it – the palm of your hand, from anywhere on stage.

The Vantis Wall Controller offers numerous features, like variable speed control, multiple targets per machine, unlimited presets and load-sensing capability. And they’re all available on the 10” touchscreen. That may sound complicated, but the simple, powerful and intuitive interface makes it easy to control. You can even program your own presets for up to 24 motorized machines and then tailer the permissions on each for a new level of security, protecting your equipment and your users.

The Wall Controller is available in a Cabinet and Rack Mount and has an optional Vantis Remote Operator Pendant. This option provides a remote GO button to ensure the user can have line of sight to the moving equipment.


Remote Lighting Service & Support

Modern performing arts venues need complex solutions, like network-linked lighting fixtures and control. However, systems need occasional maintenance, upgrades, troubleshooting and support – elements where speed and responsiveness are critical. That’s where the right partner comes in, and that’s why we developed a better approach to service: Remote Lighting Support.

Our new Remote Lighting Service & Support brings an expert lighting technician right to you, virtually. That’s right – they can diagnose, update and modify lighting systems remotely. And, no matter the product mix, Wenger Corporation is the responsible point of contact for service-related and warranty questions. Our skilled technicians can troubleshoot and support most network-connected devices, not just the proprietary offerings of one vendor. And it all happens over a secure internet connection.

Our Lighting Integration Solutions ensure that you receive complete solutions and ongoing support, even at a distance.

Remote Lighting Service & Support is available for performance venues, no matter how large or how small. Whether you’re K-12, a college or university or a community and professional venue, we can provide troubleshooting, firmware updates, architectural control re-configuration and RDM re-configuration of performance and architecture fixtures.

Curious to learn more about our newest products? Visit https://performance.wengercorp.com/ldi-2021 or contact your Wenger | J.R. Clancy Representative today.



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